Lessons from "How To Get Kids To Listen" interviews
Honoring your child's agenda in order to get what you want
Why honoring your child's agenda makes getting them to cooperate with you much easier.
When your kids don't want to go to bed
How my son calmed me down and taught me a lesson about parenting
A simple act that changed our evening from bad to great.
How a tangled mess turned into a wonderful connection opportunity
How to build a deeper bond with your child in 10 minutes a day
An easy way to build a better relationship with your child, while at the same time making it more likely that they will cooperate with you when you need them to.
Three steps to take when your child is very upset or throwing a tantrum.
From chaos to calm at the zoo
The three brain states, and how the state your brain is in affects how easy it is to get your children to cooperate.
How to stop your child's brain from shutting down when you speak to them
Why how you feel when you talk to your kids is so important for getting them to cooperate.
How to convince your child to take their medicine
Don't try to talk them out of their fear. Instead, show them that it is normal to feel that way.
Why you need to understand how your child views the world
"If you want your kids to listen to you, you start by understanding how they process information and what they prioritise."
Why your child ignores you
Let your kids be disappointed
Why letting your kids feel disappointment is important, and how to know when to be flexible.
The wrong way to eat ice cream
How to be a more flexible parent, avoid power struggles, and teach your kids how to make better decisions.
I'm a little ashamed to admit this...
Why consistent boundaries make your kids feel better, and what happens if your boundaries are not consistent.
How to find the joy in parenting again
Why routine and structure can help you find the joy in parenting again.
How to get your kids to stop playing and go to school
Some innovative and easy-to-implement strategies to make "transitions" easier.
It is never just about the lollipop
How to avoid power struggles by helping your kids feel seen and heard.
Why you shouldn't high-five a child
Why trying to force your children to cooperate with you just makes your life more difficult in the long term.
The "One Minute Miracle" technique to get kids to cooperate without fighting
A simple technique to help kids do what you want, by first acknowledging what's important to them.
The most important mindset shift parents need to make
Why you need to focus on developing a relationship of trust with your child instead of focusing on getting them to comply.
Why realistic expectations is the key to happiness
Why having realistic expectations of what your kids will do makes life easier for you.
How to turn one piece of apple into more
The 3 things children need so they want to listen.
Stop kicking your sister!
How to turn bad behavior into positive learning opportunities.
The four influences that determine how you interact with your children
A simple framework for understanding why you react the way you do when your children upset you.
The more you tell me to do it, the less I want to do it
How to prevent bad behavior before it even happens.
How I convinced my son to eat his veggies
How to "speak in your child's language" to make getting them to cooperate much easier (and more fun).
A confession about my daughter
A simple two-step technique for creating a deeper bond and connection with your children.
Don't Stop The Feeling
Why it is critical to let your child experience bad feelings.
Why kids will listen to you if you listen to them
How to reflect back and validate your child's emotions.
How to get your kid to want to follow house rules
How to work with your child to set in place house rules that everyone is happy with.
A simple technique to prevent power struggles with older children
A simple trick for getting kids to clean up after themselves, without having to yell or get into a power struggle with them.
Why bad behavior is good
How to turn your child's bad behavior into an opportunity for connection and teaching.
Understanding the nature of your child
Why understanding and honoring your child's true nature can make getting them to cooperate much easier.
Sick kids suck
A simple habit for building a stronger connection and relationship with your child every day.
Why humans dressed as bears are better than real bears
How to teach your child to deal with their negative emotions
A Roman Emperor's advice for parents
Why expecting too much from your kids sets you up for frustration.
Killer whale parenting tactics
What killer whales do when their kids fight.
What Barbie taught me about being a parent
Why being a parent is hard, and how to make it easier.
Yelling works...
The hidden cost of using threats or force to get your kids to comply.
When your kids are irritating
The main reason your kids are irritating you.
A parenting tip from the Godfather
A big reason why kids don't want to cooperate or do things to annoy you.
Dinner Time Drama
Why getting your child's attention before asking for their cooperation is critical.
How to improve your relationship with your child if you have no time
A simple habit for building a deeper connection with your child without spending any extra work or time.
A silent epidemic of family break-ups
Why using force or punishment to get your kids to cooperate leads to more bad behavior.
How to get strong-willed children to cooperate
The two keys to dealing with strong-willed or stubborn children without yelling or threats.
The good news about making mistakes
Why the mistakes you make as parent can be good for your kids.
Schrödinger's daughter
A parenting confession
The frustrations of being a parent
"You are not a parent, you are a substitute frontal lobe"
Killer whales on the loose
The two steps to understanding your child
The most important thing to focus on to get kids (or adults) to listen and cooperate.
My daily "Finding Joy In My Kids" practice
How to delight in your children even when they are grumpy, tired, and needy.
Movie Night Fight
Parenting advice from a marriage expert
BINGO was his name
The terrible tale of Tithonus
A key to successful parenting: Letting go of your agenda
Fight for the right to vacuum
How to have more child-driven conversations
Becoming a stress detective
Why kids do what we do, not what we say
Rotten fish or valuable treasure
Parenting using the 80/20 Rule
The day chocolate flooded the streets
Saved by candy and wine
How to ensure you always win
Why you should let your kids make mistakes
My top 3 parenting myths
The worst pain in the world
Death of a Mantis
"To win without fighting is best"
Help, I'm stuck in a web of lies
How to get what you want
The Terminator vs. A Pothole
Robot building delight
PSA: Twinkies are not a survival food
How to parent smarter, not harder
Snakes on a plane
From "Love Hotels" to Super Mario Bros
Why yelling doesn't work (somewhat scientifically proven)
A parenting lesson from a Roman emperor
Help! I'm surrounded by screaming plants
The Big Hole
Why the obvious answer is often wrong
Why tantrums are just (bad) communication
The Mechanical Turk parenting principle
How to use playfulness to get your child to cooperate
Getting paid to do nothing
How to speak the language of playfulness
Swimming in chocolate can be dangerous
Why learning to listen to your children helps them listen to you
How learning to really listen to what your child is saying and dropping your own agenda can deepen your connection with your child.
How to eat a plane
How to get your kid out of the spa pool
Nuking the moon to feel better
Finger-lickin' parenting
How to get a "parenting superpower" (no radiation required)
"Parenting is a joyful, loving, wonderful, but hard gig"
Preparing for a cyclone!
Why punishment doesn't work (even if it seems to)
What to do instead of using threats or punishment to get your children to listen. And the "hidden" negative effects of punishment.
The Alexa Incident
How to stay calm when your kid starts getting emotional. And the benefits of being able to stay calm under fire.
How to resolve a sibling fight without saying anything
What happens when you are able to "detach yourself from the outcome". And a simple trick that you can use to calm yourself.
"Bad news...I don't like you"
How to reframe bad behavior into useful information about what your child needs. And one question to ask yourself when your child behaves badly.
What to do when your son offers you a cockroach
How to connect with your children even if you are not interested in the same things. And the benefits of deeper connection with your children.
How to understand your child's actions better
Why you need to know what your child is capable of doing, as well as understanding. And how to better understand your child's personality.
3 parenting lessons from a psychiatry professor
When your 3 year old is too busy to play...
Why "play" is the most important activity that your young child can do. And the difference between adult play and child play.
Use bacon flavored soda to get your kids to listen
Predictions for 2023 (from 100 years ago)
A technique for understanding your child better. And why understanding what your child is interested in helps increase their willingness to cooperate.
How to speak in the language of "play"
Why your child's language is "play". And how you can learn to speak this "language of play" to help get them to listen to you.
The Butterfly of Discord
Elephants vs Lions
Are you still trying to "fix" your child?
Why it does not help trying to "fix" your child's bad behavior. And what you should rather focus on.
How to turn your anger into a teachable moment
Why you should not hide your negative emotions from your children. And why you getting mad or upset could be good for your children.